Thursday, November 1, 2012

How to Earn Tickets for Halloween Candy

This was the first official year that we Trick or Treated that Junebug understood exactly what she was getting...CANDY and lots of it.

Last year she was two and I found it easy to hide it.  Out of sight out of mind.
This year, she is on to me and knows the candy is somewhere.  Since they just got their goodies last night I let them enjoy a little more candy than normal.  Tomorrow will be different!
I set up a chart with preschool friendly activities that would earn the girls "tickets" to trade in for candy.

I included Snowflake in this activity as well.  Even though she won't understand everything. I can't have her eating candy without trading in a ticket now can I?  Explain that to my three year old! :)

I remembered that I had a stack of tickets that I had picked up at the Dollar Store months ago.  I knew they would come in handy at some point!  If you aren't near a Dollar Store, you can easily make up your own tickets with construction paper. 

Here is what the chart looks like.  
I made three charts available to print with a spot for, one child, two children or three children.

Here is our chart (two children)
I laminated it and taped it on the fridge.
*I figured if the novelty of the candy wears off they can collect tickets to turn in for a prize*

Right now I have the candy separated in a muffin tin. 

Even after I filled the muffin tins we still had A LOT of candy left! 
I put it in the basement.  

Smaller candy is worth 4 tickets a piece.
Miniature chocolate bars are 6 tickets a piece.
I might change the tickets to 5 and 8.  I will see how the first couple of days go
Download a chore chart here:

Junebug was so excited about the tickets she quickly at a fruit and veggie pack!


1 comment:

  1. Oh, I'm printing this one out for sure! Adam's already begging for candy at 8 am!
